Will My Business Survive The Current Economy?

Will My Business Survive The Current Economy?

should every startup invest in financial services?

I Am A New Business Owner- Will My Business Survive?

If you are a new business owner and you are wondering will my business survive the current economy – you’re like may entrepreneurs in 2022. Read on to learn some important information on the current economy and whether or not your business will survive.

We’re In This Together

I believe many can resonate with the statement above, especially those just starting in the entrepreneurship world. Starting a new business requires time, funding, materials, and most importantly professional help to ease the initial stage processes. Many are experiencing difficulties in sustaining their business in the current economic situation due to high-interest rates and inflation which directly have caused lesser economic activities.
There are a few important aspects that any business owner should take into consideration to prepare for future setbacks if any.

Cyclical Vs Non-Cyclical Industries

1-Choosing the right industry is crucial because most of it moves with the economic trend. For example, the construction industry is a cyclical industry that will move in tandem with the market movement. Due to high inflation and rising interest rates, the construction industry is heavily impacted by the rising cost and lower demand for new projects. The non-cyclical industry is impacted much lesser compared to the cyclical industry as the need for this type of services or goods are sought after regardless of the market condition, like staple food.

Economic impact on lifestyle choices

2- Understanding the current lifestyle of the mass, sometimes trends do fade away after time and it is difficult to survive this if a business doesn’t evolve and adapt to the changes. A while ago, healthy meal box was in trend and it’s fading away due to the current economic condition, people are being more conscious of their spending as the inflation rate is on the rise. The size of the business does play a huge role in its sustainability especially when everything is priced at an all-time high compared to 5 years ago. Business finance capability is very important to survive the current price war.

Finance Capacity

3-Internally an entrepreneur needs to understand the financial status of the company. Having a thorough business process is vital to keep surviving when the situation is not favorable for the profitability of the business. Addressing the entries on the financial statement which might be impacted by the current condition might mitigate the risk of operating losses and allow one to plan accordingly for future business activities like acquiring funding from lending entities or raising private equities. Obtaining professional services like hiring a fractional CFO to revamp the business strategy, perform financial analysis and forecasting and for other crucial areas of the business might save time and generate the desired outcome for the sustainability of the business.

Local Resources

4-Usually, start-ups in a certain industry might get the right resources and assistance from the local state or county during an economic downturn especially entrepreneurs from a specific demographic group. Being on the lookout and updated on the current resources that might guide and assist the business to stay in operation during uncertainties will certainly be useful for small business owners. Subscribing to an insurance plan which safeguards the business operation might also be an important aspect to investigate.
Above all, understanding your business and how it can be impacted by little changes by external factors from the beginning is the most important part of swiftly moving beyond the market cycle. As an entrepreneur, our goal is to stay active and generate profitability. Having that in mind, one should look ahead, keep evolving and stay composed when things go sideways. The right mindset and anticipation are vital to gracefully move forward at the desired pace, especially for those who are at the initial stage of a business.

How can we help your business during this time of uncertainty?

In a nutshell, choosing and understanding the industry, adding professional help, comprehensive knowledge of the business financials and analysis, keeping up to date with the latest resources from local state or county and the right mindset are the keys to sustaining a business in a current economic condition. Adapting and evolving with the changes often results in a positive outcome.

For more guidance and professional advice, visit www.startuptandem.com. Startup Tandem provides fractional CFOs services to help entrepreneurs mitigate risks, maintain cash flow, and find capital opportunities during vulnerable times like now. Our prices will adjust to your current business growth and budget.

Who Should I Hire For Startup Services Near Me?

Who Should I Hire For Startup Services Near Me?

Who Should I Hire For Startup Services Near Me?

Avoid the common mistakes startups make by investing in startup services with Startup Tandem!

Are you wondering who should I hire for startup services near me? Many new business owners ask themselves this very common question.

Many people are starting up businesses and needing help. There are many people available to help you with your startup services. If you do not know what a startup service is, we are going to talk about that as well, so you know what it is and what a startup service company has to offer you. 

What is a Startup?

Startups are going to be different for everyone. Everyone will have unique needs based on what they are doing. However, a startup service company will offer the following for many people. The list below is some of the services that startup companies offer. We will go into deeper details about each aspect. 

Startup Services: What To Expect From The Company You Choose


This is where you will get the help you may need in startup accounting and business accounting services. Bookkeeping will allow your business to have an organized way to track how the business is doing. A startup service will help you find the best way to organize your documents and financial information. If there is no organization or bookkeeping, it will be exceedingly difficult for accounting. 

A startup service in Los Angeles should also offer accounting. This will help a business know their numbers. This means that they will know what is spent, what is wasted, what is where, and everything else. These numbers are the numbers that can make or break a business. That is why having an accounting system developed is important. 

A few things that you may notice that a startup service company may offer in their accounting or bookkeeping aspect is tracking payments that customers have made. You may also receive help on invoices or bills to customers for the items that were sold. This will help you ensure that items were paid for and in full price. They will also help you look at your profits and debts. Bookkeeping and accounting are the biggest part of a business. Without this aspect of a business running properly, the company will be losing money. A company that loses money is going to fail. That is why it is essential to hire a startup service in Los Angeles. 

Fractional CFO 

If a company hired a fractional CFO, they are going downhill. This is the service that will help a company who is facing financial challenges. These challenges could have come from anything. However, a common few that are often seen are issues with their cash flow. Their gross margins are exceptionally low, but their expenses are extremely high. Their systems that are in place are no longer working. In fact, these businesses could be facing an audit.

These services will help companies figure out their financial situation. These services will allow a company to determine what is needed, what can be eliminated, and what can be improved. This allows companies to reestablish their names. It could bring a company that is on the verge of bankruptcy back into the business. This is done by helping look at future forecasts. With the added items in place, what is the expected outcome. This can help companies understand their flow of money and goods better. For this reason it’s important to hire a CFO consulting firm or a fractional CFO near you for the best results with your startup.

how to pick a CFO
how to choose the best CFO consulting firm

Take A Look At These Important Articles:

Human Resources 

Sometimes those in human resources often forget what the job inside a factory is like. This means that many policies may be outdated and no longer useful. This also means that a company is not running as efficiently as it could be. Which also means that the company could be losing money. 

Having a business such as Startup Tandem helping you, will allow your company to better understand the policies. In fact, these startup businesses will help will payroll and even your systems that are in place for human resources. They can help you with your systems that are in place. This can form a better bond between those in the office and those that are working on the floor. 

Business Development 

Nothing is worse than having a business starting up and no sales. That is why startup service companies will offer a team. This team is a sales team to help you out. This is to help your business succeed by increasing revenue. This tactic may also help bring in more people through your doors or to your website. The goal is to bring more people to your business. The more people you have on your website or in your doors, the more sales you are going to make. 


If a company has issues on the floor between employees or just in general, startup companies can help with that too. It is important to address the needs of your employees. That is when people will start to listen. 

Having a startup service company will allow those in management positions better manage their employees. The services offered are there to help those who work in the company feel more comfortable. If the work environment is a safe and happy place, more people are going to work hard. The harder workers you have in your business, the more products that can be moved. This means more money for the business. 

Creating a happy and safe place to work is essential. It is one of the biggest things that many companies overlook. Overlooking this aspect could be costing the business money. Taking the time to understand employees needs and wants will likely increase your revenue. 


You would never think you would need a recruiting helper when you are starting out. However, if you have used startup service companies before, your business is likely booming. If you ever need to hire any international employees, they can help with that. A startup business will help ensure that those who are hired internationally are trained properly. 

They will not be working in your facilities alone until they are professionally trained. This means that a manager or supervisor will be near them, and we will ensure that the person is understanding the materials. Having someone helping you create a strong work force can be beneficial to a company. 

Fundraising/VC Consulting 

A startup service company will be there to support your fundraising events. This will allow you to have more people show up as well. This is due to the fact that they are great at getting word out and helping support your business. Plus, they are there to help with any consultations that may take place. They can help you bring in the revenue you need while doing everything else you need. 

409 Valuations 

This is something that you need in order to have fundraisers, different investors, and even employees. This is paperwork that is often overlooked. However, it is something that should not be. This is something that should be organized to the best of your ability. 

A startup service company will help you with these valuations when you need them. They can help you also create a good organization service for these documents as well. This could be virtual or paper organization system. However, taking the time to organize this is essential for a business. 

Is A Startup Service Company Just for Certain Industries? 

No. A startup service company offers a wide range of services that appeal to many distinct types of industries. For example, Startup Tandem has services for CPG. These are your large chain stores. This could include stores such as Walmart. However, they will also tailor services for those who are in the cannabis industry. 

There is not a single industry that is the same. However, each category is designed for specific aspects of different industries. This means that the company is versatile based on the services that are offered. There are even aspects where Startup Tandem helps clients that provide healthcare. These could be for physical or mental health. The services are specialized based on the needs of the specific company and what industry they belong to. 

Finding the Best Startup Service Company in the LA Area 

When you are looking for a startup service company in the Los Angeles area, you need to look for a few things. These are the few things that will set apart one company from the next. This also will help you eliminate those who are not going to offer you the services that you need. 

  1. The first thing you need to do is ensure that you know what type of services you need. This is what you need to understand before you look for a startup service company. 
  2. The next thing you need to do is look at a few companies. Look at their reviews. Make sure that the reviews are honest. There should be good, bad, and neutral reviews. If there are not great reviews, you should move to another option. 
  3. Make sure you look at personal reviews. These are the reviews left on the apps other than the actual website reviews. You will find many more honest reviews on these other websites than on the business’s website. 
  4. Call the business that interests you. Determine the prices and services offered. If they have all the services that you need at a great price, take the offer. However, make sure that you read into all the contracts before signing anything. Ensure that there are no catches in the contract. 
  5. Sign your name and you will be in business with a startup service company. You will also be on your way to success, organization, and leadership skills. 

Startup Service Companies In Los Angeles

These are the companies that are going to help businesses thrive. It is going to help a business succeed financially and in a respectable way. These services that are offered will turn around a business if taken seriously. However, you need to have an open mind when you hire a startup company. They are going to tell you what needs to be said. They will tell you what will need to be done. However, they will not do anything without your permission. They are there to help you find the problems and fix the situations with you by their side. 

It is important that you understand that there may be things you did not know going on with your financials. This company is going to help you get back on track or start a system that will create a successful future for your business. Having an open mind and being open to suggestions is critical in a situation where a startup service is hired. If you are not open to suggestions and recommendations, then you should avoid a startup company

The Best Startup Services in Los Angeles 

If you are in the Los Angeles area, you will want to contact Startup Tandem. They offer all the services that were stated in this article. They have high success rates and helping companies turn their profits around. From helping with accounting and bookkeeping to helping your human resource department, they have it all.  In fact, they are the best startup accountants in Los Angeles and would love to get started on helping your startup!

Plus, Startup Tandem has some of the best services around. They are there to help you succeed. Their goal is to create an environment that will bring you more money in and more products out. Startup Tandem will also ensure that there is an organization plan and other plans in place to ensure success. 

Startup Tandem’s Santa Monica Location:

Wrapping Up: Who Should I Hire For Startup Services Near Me?

When it comes to your business, you will want nothing but the best. However, sometimes things will fail. That is why hiring the best startup service company is essential. Startup Tandem will be there for you through your challenging times. They will help you understand where the business stands and how to increase your sales and decrease your spending. Startup Tandem may also help you with your accounting and bookkeeping so that you have a system set up that is organized and guaranteed to help you succeed. Taking the time to learn what a startup services company is will allow you to better understand the services that are offered. These services are there to help aid in the success of your business. This business could be just starting out or existing for thirty years. Taking the time to understand the financials and all other aspects of the company will allow your company to succeed. Allow Startup Tandem to help you reach your goals and follow your dreams. 

You should now better understand who should I hire for startup services near me and we wish you all the best!

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